This is a guest blog post by Hai Oleg Naumenko, CEO and Co-Founder, Hideez Group.

During the Citrix Launchpad: Security event, Citrix announced new zero trust and secure access solutions that support seamless access and contextual security for your organization, no matter where work gets done.

I’d like to continue with that theme and explain how Hideez can help support Citrix customers with seamless access and security. Let’s look at the main flaws and security risks associated with password-based authentication (data breaches, time wasted, complex security requirements, and more) and the difficulties that arise when switching to modern passwordless authentication practices. (Most web services do not yet support the FIDO2 passwordless standard and rely on passwords.)

Let’s look at several types of authentication scenarios that employees can face in their enterprises (see the table below). Nowadays it is hard to find a perfect authentication solution that combines comprehensive digital access, ease of use, and high level of security at the same time.

Click image to view larger.
  • Scenarios 1-3: The authentication method is time-consuming and not secure but is widely supported across platforms
  • Scenarios 4-6: The authentication method is secure but still time-consuming. U2F and passwordless logins are only supported across FIDO-enabled platforms.
  • Scenarios 7-9: The authentication method is fast and highly secure. Passwordless and usernameless authentication is only possible for a part of FIDO-supporting platforms and not for most websites.

Our main product is Hideez Key, an all-in-one security device (cross-platform authenticator) that allows organizations to conveniently combine different authentication methods without prejudice to speed, security, and inclusiveness. It can store and autofill logins and passwords, generate one-time passwords for common two-factor authentication or serve as a FIDO/ U2F security key for passwordless authentication and passwordless 2FA, thus being a bridge between password-based and passwordless authentication methods. Hideez Key can also auto-lock or unlock employee workstations based on their proximity and replace a smart-card opening RFID door locks in the office.

Our Hideez IAM Solution consists of multiple Hideez security keys, a Hideez Client application for user workstations, centralized Hideez Server, and a FIDO2 / WebAuthn server & SAML 2.0 Identity Provider that was validated as a Citrix Ready product earlier this year.

The Hideez IAM solution brings benefits for companies and individual employees, including:

  • Reduced security risks (protection against phishing, spoofing, and man-in-the-middle attacks).
  • Easy to integrate with existing security infrastructure.
  • Certified as Citrix Ready and compliant with HIPAA security requirements
  • Cost-effective (no need to hold additional security training sessions for employees)

Hideez’s IAM solution allows users to enjoy passwordless logins to FIDO-enabled platforms and applications using both cross-platform authenticators (Hideez security keys) and platform authenticators (end-user devices — laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc. — with biometric sensors). And yet at the same time, it can be used as a regular password manager, instantly entering user credentials to most sites that do not support FIDO authentication.

People should be able to work where, when, and how they want. With the right workspace technology, they can. Citrix Workspace has everything you need to keep people productive and data secure. Citrix Workspace also supports end-to-end passwordless authentication using FIDO2, including support for FIDO2 inside the virtual desktops session. Hideez Keys have been validated on Citrix Workspace and Citrix Workspace app for Windows, helping Citrix Workspace customers in their passwordless journey

Listen to me chatting with Citrix Ready team about these innovations and get a quick demo of how Hideez FIDO2 Keys provides passwordless authentication into Citrix Workplace in the video below.

Enterprise IT admins can assign Hideez Keys to specific employees, manage their profiles, review workstation sessions, and manage access to any websites or applications quickly and 100 percent securely. The solution is a perfect fit for complex multi-user environments in any domain, including banking, finance, healthcare, education, IT, and other industries.

Check out Hideez Keys and Hideez Enterprise Server in the Citrix Ready Marketplace.